1. Human development
  2. Creation spirituality (Christianity)

Creation spirituality (Christianity)

  • Original blessing


This concept, elaborated by Matthew Fox, emphasizes rejoicing in creation rather than basing religion upon the doctrine of original sin and obscuring the beauty of the original blessing. The aim is to revitalize Christianity through returning to the basic, cosmic mysticism of Christ which is open to all and not just to the small group of Christian ascetics. By this means, the alienation symptomatic of the present age and the materialist destruction of the planet will be replaced by a celebration of God's gifts, including the feminine principle in nature, the complementarity of the sexes, the passions, the playfulness and divine child in everyone, creativity and prophecy. Worship can take place through the body and awareness of the body, and will include dance as well as song. In a form of panentheism, creation is good and God is in everything. The dualistic and patristic influences in the Church which, from St Augustine onwards, have submerged the gaiety and joy of Christianity under a mass of moralistic principles and consequent guilt, and encouraged each to think of his or her own personal salvation above all, must be replaced by the aim of salvation for all in an interdependent world.

The Cosmic Christ is seen as an archetype to be recreated or reincarnated in the mind until its force triggers a paradigm shift in Christianity. Rather than emphasizing the historical Jesus, the Church must look to the Cosmic Christ and a Holy Trinity made up of knowledge (understanding of creation through science), mysticism (the experience of unity with all creation) and art (the expression of awe at the beauty of creation). This awareness of the mystery of creation unites creation spirituality with the planetary consciousness movement.




Human development
(H) Concepts of human development
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024