1. Human development
  2. Becoming Christ

Becoming Christ

  • God frequency


Christ is the second member of the godhead. He is the aspect which creates life, born of the Father issuing forth spirit into matter. Christ, as the force of life, is potential in all aspects of creation, inherent in the soul-centre of every person. This potential is dormant, but can be awakened so that the qualities underlying the essence of life – light and love, and also wisdom and power in combination – become conscious. This requires transformation to another level, that of pure spirit, through raising the vibrational frequency of the energy which the person expresses. The spiritual level, experienced in the past by mystics and sages, is the next stage in evolution from the present, in which the world is at its most dense. Not just worshipping those who have reached this level in whatever religion, of whom Master Jesus is the fullest expression, each individual has now to touch and hold the spiritual levels which are potentially available.

The first stage is awakening. A response in the human heart is stimulated by ritual and worship, although the pull of matter is still strong. Interpretations and dogma may be an obstacle to progress, as the individual worships something external, inhibiting awakening to the internal light.

In order to become conscious of the internal Christ light, the personality must be light and warm, vibrations being of a higher frequency than before. When a certain overall level is reached light and love shine forth. This already happens during certain peak experiences. The aim is to raise the overall vibrational frequency so that the individual not only touches but lives in God frequency. The key is to 'be still and know that I am God', through the process of meditation. Eventually living and meditating become synonymous, but before then regular practice of meditation, especially in groups, is the way to throw off the blocks that prevent rise in frequency. Other tools may also be useful – psychotherapy and other techniques of personal growth – but they are all simply means to this end.

The next step is initiation, contact with the 'still, small voice' that is the inner voice of the soul. This gradually develops with practice, at first only present for short times but eventually always there to be heard and obeyed. Constantly living in the presence of God means that frequencies are raised and the voice is not separate from normal consciousness.

Ultimately the person is totally identified with higher spiritual frequencies - Christ frequencies. Not listening or responding to the Christ consciousness within, the person is Christ in the same sense that 'I and my Father are one'.

There are no short cuts in this way. Attempting to achieve this state, through drugs for example, could bring disorientation or insanity. There must be a steady progress through all levels for the light to shine through. At the end of the Piscean age, entering the age of Aquarius, the light attracts those who are already light. The stages are: (1) birth of the Christ in the heart; (2) connection with the inner light; (3) preparation and testing (overcoming the temptations of the soul); (4) crucifixion or death of the ego, as the spirit overcomes matter; (5) resurrection, or wakening to the reality of the risen Christ. In a sense these are sequential, although progress may be made across several stages and the next stage is always visible from the previous one.



Human development
(H) Concepts of human development
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Last update
Oct 28, 2022