1. Human development
  2. Absurd existence (ICA)

Absurd existence (ICA)


This state occurs when an individual experiences the absurdity of life and in particular his own life. People frequently use such expressions as: "it's madness!", "but why would they do that?", and "nothing makes sense!". They all know moments when the absurdity of existence, of the eternal riddle, seems to overwhelm them, when they ask "why me?" and realize that finally there is no good reason for it. It is on occasions like these that the mystery of the absurdity of life overtakes them.

A dimension of this experience is a sense of awe, that is fear and fascination. One knows a deep fear of not being in charge of one's life, as if one's life was more than one can handle, things were out of control, that one had been cut loose from a critical link in this world. One asks "am I going crazy?" and yet, in the midst of such bewilderment, a fascination emerges as to what will come next. One is strangely willing to see what will follow. One abandons one's self to the situation with a sense of "it doesn't matter so let's go ahead."

With great courage, the individual decides go ahead without resolving the mystery; without knowing all the whys and wherefores he dares to participate in history, in life, in this absurd existence. Such intense moments generate a new sense of humour about life in general and especially about one's own existence, a new sensitivity to the mystery of the absurd to be found in every situation in every life.


This state is number 2 in the ICA Other World in the midst of this World.


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Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Last update
Oct 21, 2022