1. In Synergetics (without the article 'the'), universe is the comprehensive, historically synchronous, integral-aggregate system embracing all the separate integral-aggregate systems of all man's consciously apprehended and communicated (to self or others) non-simultaneous, nonidentical, but always complementary and only partially overlapping, macro-micro, always-and-everywhere, omnitransforming, physical and metaphysical, weighable and unweighable event sequences.
2. Universe is a dynamically synchronous scenario that is unitarily nonconceptual as of any one moment, yet as an aggregate of finites is sum-totally finite. (Aggregate means sum-totally but nonunitarily conceptual as of any one moment. Consciousness means an awareness of otherness. Apprehension means information furnished by those wave frequencies tunable within man's limited sensorial spectrum. Communicated means informing self or others. Nonsimultaneous means not occurring at the same time. Overlapping is used because every event has duration, and their initiatings and terminatings are most often of different duration).
3. The total of experiences is integrally synergetic. Universe continually operates in comprehensive, coordinate patternings which are transcendental to the sensorially miniscule apprehension and mental comprehension and prediction capabilities of mankind, consciously and inherently pre-occupied as man is only with special local and nonsimultaneous pattern considerations.
4. Universe is the ultimate collective concept, namely the collection of all intelligible, inherently separate evolutionary event aspects which latter apparently occur exclusively and only through differentiating considerations which progressively isolate the components of whole and inclusive sets, super-sets, and sub-sets of generalized conceptioning in retrospectively abstracted principles of relationships. The generalized comprehensive principles of interrelationships progressively discovered as governing mankind's subsidiary generalized principles are embraced by mankind's definition of Universe.
5. In relativity theory one component of a multi-universe reality.
6. Our universe as perceived by astronomers.