1. In Confucianism, man's path through life based on moral conduct and innate noble virtue (jen) which gives rise to conscience.
2. In neo-Confucianism, similar to Platonic Form, a principle (li) which exists as agent to a patent substrate (ch'i), e.g. matter.
3. In Taoism, the creative and sustaining force in the universe, in some ways like Dharma in Buddhism, Rita in the Vedas, Providence in Christianity, Pronoia in Greek philosophy, and the Anima Mundi of later speculation. In other ways it is like the Akashic ether of Hinduism. Since it is associated with the feminine Valley Spirit in Lao Tzu it may also be affiliated to the Hindu concept of Sakti. However, it encompasses both masculine and feminine metaphysical characteristics (Yang and Yin).