Omnitopology is conceived to be an accessory to the conceptual aspects of Euler's superficial topology in that it extends its concerns to the angular relationships as well as to the topological domains of nonnuclear, closest-packed spherical arrays and to the domains of the nonnuclear-containing polyhedra thus formed. The domains of volumes are then the volumes topologically described and the domain of an external face is the volume defined by that external face and the centre of volume of the system. Each of the lines and vertexes of polyhedrally defined conceptual systems have their respective unique areal domains and volumetric domains.
In contradistinction to, and in complementation of, Eulerian topology, omnitopology deals with the generalized equatabilities of a priori generalized, omnidirectional domains of vectorially articulated linear interrelationships, their vertexial interference loci, and consequent uniquely differentiated areal and volumetric domains, angles, frequencies, symmetries, asymmetries, polarizations, structural-pattern integrities, associative interbondabilities, intertransformabilities, and transformative-system limits, simplexes, complexes, nucleations, exportabilities and omni-interaccommodations.