1. Human reasoning or nous which as the suffix, -logy has the sense of 'science', and in the form, logic, is a science of sciences.
2. The link between theos, the divine, and nous, the human, minds. Logos can be infused into nous.
3. Order in the universe. Closely connected with the idealization of Apollo, and affiliated to the creative utterance of the deity in Hellenistic Judaism. From there taken into Christianity where its final form was the second Person of the Holy Trinity, God the Son, the Word ('which was made flesh' as the Christ, 'through whom and by whom all things were made').
4. Any saying of Jesus given in the New Testament.
5. Collectively, the logoi are emanations of the intellectual world which regulate and form the sensory world. These are identified as angels by speculative, neoplatonic philosophers of the Christian, Islamic and Judaic faiths.