1. Integrative concepts
  2. General systems theory

General systems theory


1. An outlook, methodology, programme or direction in the contemporary philosophy of science. The salient feature of this outlook is an emphasis on those aspects of objects or events which derive from general properties of systems rather than from the specific content of the systems. All the variants and interpretations of this outlook have a common aim, namely the integration of diverse content areas by means of a unified methodology or conceptualization or of research. The task of general systems theory is to find the most general conceptual framework in which a scientific theory or a technological problem can be placed without losing the essential features of the theory or the problem. The main theme is the explicit fusion of the mathematical approach with the organismic leading to the main task of showing how the organismic aspect of a system emerges from the mathematical structure. The theory is considered to be a focal point for the resynthesis of knowledge.

2. A general science of organization and wholeness whose aims emerge from the following: (a) there is a general tendency towards integration in the various sciences, whether natural or social; (b) such integration seems to be centered in a general theory of systems; (c) such theory may be an important means for aiming at exact theory in the non-physical fields of science; (d) developing unifying principles running vertically through the universes of the individual sciences, this theory brings the goal of the unity of science nearer; (e) this can lead to much-needed integration in scientific education.

3. A level of theoretical model-building which lies somewhere between the highly generalized constructions of pure mathematics and the specific theories of the specialized disciplines. It responds to the need for a body of systematic theoretical constructs which will discuss the general relationships of the empirical world. At a low level of ambition (but with a high degree of confidence) it aims to point out similarities in the theoretical constructions of different disciplines, where these exist, and to develop theoretical models having applicability to at least two different fields of study. At a higher level of ambition (but with a lower degree of confidence) it aims to develop something like a spectrum of theories, namely a system of systems which may perform the function of a gestalt in theoretical construction. Such gestalts in special fields have been of great value in directing research towards the gaps which they reveal.

4. A methodological direction aimed at extending rigorous methods of analysis to objects and situations characterized by organized complexity. The system-theoretic view focuses on emergent properties which such objects or classes of events have by virtue of being systems, namely those properties which emerge from the very organization of complexity. Theories dealing with certain portions of the world, too complex to be understood entirely in terms of analytical models, can nevertheless be developed. They depend for their development on synthetic and holistic approaches rather than analytic ones. The aim is to develop such approaches further, to link them to analytic approaches whenever possible, and above all, to unify theories of widely different contents but of similar logical structure, where the similarity derives from some structural isomorphism between objects and phenomena in different spheres.

5. The formulation and derivation of those principles of a physical, biological, or social nature which are valued for systems in general. It seeks models, principles, and laws which apply to the generalized system irrespective of the particular kind of elements or forces involved. It seeks identification of structural similarities (isomorphies) in different scientific fields and hypothesizes that the world (i.e. the total of observable events) shows structural uniformities which manifest themselves by isomorphies of order and organization in the different levels, realms, or systems of the world.


Integrative concepts
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Last update
Oct 18, 2021